July 19, 2007

Web Testing Questions -1

  1. During the passward field testing. What sould be the focus (give answer in one word)
  2. What are the important scenarios for testing emails? how do you test emails? which tool is best for testing email?
  3. Without using guimap editor ?we can recognise the application in winrunner ?
  4. What is your approach or how do you start Testing an Webapplication
  5. What bugs are mainly come in webtesting what severity and priority we are giving
  6. What is the diference between web application And Client server Application Testing?
  7. What are the important test scenarios for testing a web site?
  8. What is the difference of approach for Testing Client/server and webappications. (wat is the main difference).
  9. How to do browser testing( create a standard script and run it for the different browser combinations. )
  10. From the testability point of view what is the difference between client/server testing and web testing?
  11. What are the important test scenarios for testing a web site?
  12. What type of testing is carried out to find memory- leakages?give me a sample example?
  13. What are the typical problems in web testing?
  14. What is the difference in testing a CLENT-SERVER application and a WEB application ?
  15. What happens in a web application when you enter all the data and click on submit button suddenly the connection goes off?
  16. In n tier Architecture What are the factors should be considered for testing?
  17. What is the difference between testing in client-server applications and web based applications?
  18. What is the difference in testing a CLENT-SERVER application and a WEB application ?
  19. How to Test the Cookies and Memory leakages? (i.e does the cookies expired or not and about memory leakage)?
  20. How to test Browser compatibility testing?
  21. What command is used to launch a application in winrunner?

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