July 19, 2007

Unix Interview Questions -1

  1. How to terminate a process which is running and the specialty on command kill 0?
  2. How many prompts are available in a UNIX system?
  3. what is kernel? 2. what is the difference between kernel and microkernel? 3. what is the difference between unix and Linux? 4. what is relational database,hierarchal database. and network database? their difference?
  4. Explain the following file systems: NTFS, Macintosh (HPFS), and FAT.
  5. Construct pipes to execute the following jobs.
  6. Exlain Stickybit?
  7. How is the command “$cat file2 “ different from “$cat >file2
  8. Explain the UNIX Kernel.
  9. Which command is used to delete all files in the current directory and all its sub-directories?
  10. Explain Scheduling.
  11. What is redirection?
  12. Where is kernel located in unix?
  13. How to read error messages in /var/adm/messages when system is not booting.
  14. What is Redirection?
  15. What is Semaphore?
  16. What is Marshalling?
  17. Explain Memory Partitioning, Paging, Segmentation.
  18. Explain the steps that a shell follows while processing a command.
  19. How do you connect to or query Oracle database from a UNIX platform.?
  20. What are shell variables?
  21. What are the different process states?
  22. What is the unix command used for giving or changing the permissions for files and folders?
  23. How to find some partuicular lines in unix Vi editor which starts with a paricular word and end with another particular word?? For ex - There are 10 lines in the editor and only 4 lines start with the word APPLE and end with the word MANGO.Now how to find out these particular lines in Unix .
  24. How do i partition the disk under red hat linux?
  25. How can you come to the home directory?
  26. Do you have idea about "Shell Job Control"?
  27. Difference - Loading and Linking?
  28. Define and explain COM?
  29. What are your solution strategies for "Dining Philosophers Problem”?
  30. What is Concurrency? Explain with example Deadlock and Starvation.
  31. Unix command to concatenate (attach) two strings?
  32. Unix command to concatenate (attach) two strings?
  33. What does the following command do? cp $ABC/$SUP/xyz. tct .;
  34. What is difference between lilo and stub?
  35. What is the difference between soft link and hard link in unix operating system ?
  36. What are the difference between Daemons in Unix and service processes in Windows?
  37. How to sfind free space in unix/linux
  38. Explain the following commands.
  39. What is a pipe and give an example?
  40. How to switch to a super user status to gain privileges?
  41. How does the kernel differentiate device files and ordinary files?
  42. How to read error messages in /var/adm/messages when system is not booting.
  43. Unix command to concatenate (attach) two strings?

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