January 28, 2008

JSP Interview Question -2

  1. What is difference between scriptlet and expression?
  2. In Oracle table some fields are “null”. By default it will show as “null” in JSP page text box. But I don’t want that. I want as blank textbox. What I can do for that?
  3. What is the difference between application server and web server
  4. How to call EJB from JSP?
  5. How can I enable session tracking for JSP pages if the browser has disabled cookies?
  6. I want to place two buttons one for save and one for delete.i am using DispatchAction as controller,how can i find which button i am pressing and how to diffrentiate?
  7. How do you maintain a Session?
  8. What are advantages of JSP?
  9. How to overwrite the init and destroy method in a JSP page.
  10. How can initialize interface in JSP?
  11. Text in textarea cant be copy by anyone while it is running in the browser (i.e,the text cant be copy and then paste on the other page) give me suggestion?
  12. How do you pass control from one JSP page to another?
  13. When we design some login form how we manage security for those forms? Which technology used for that purpose?
  14. How to generate BAR & PIE Graphs using JSP code?
  15. How do you implement interface in JSP?
  16. Is there a way I can set the inactivity lease period on a per-session basis?
  17. What are the default objects provided by JSP container?
  18. Why should we setContentType( ) in servlet ?what is the use of that method?
  19. What does < %= obj.getXXX() %> the following expression get evaluated to ?
  20. What is the need of implicit objects?

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