August 17, 2007

SAP Interview Questions -2

  1. What are the Difference between Tablecontrols and Step Loops?
  2. Double click function on the lists, identifying the line selected by the user on the list.
  3. What is the difference between start_form and open_form in scripts?.why is it necessary to close a form always once it is opened?
  4. How many types of Standard Internal Tables?
  5. What is SQL Trace?
  6. Have you used SM30 and SM31 transactions?
  7. How many sessions can be opened max. in SAP
  8. How many select statements are there and list those.
  9. What is the transaction code SM 31?
  10. What is ABAP Memory and SAP Memory?
  11. What is the reserve command?
  12. I have my Subroutine in one Report and that I want to Use that one in another Report, How is it possible?
  13. In dialog programming how many events are there ?
  14. What are the Paragraph and character format?
  15. Have you used client dependent ABAP programs?
  16. What is LDB?
  17. Which is the First character of creating LockObject?
  18. What is Layout set Elements?
  19. Can we create Bar Chart in abap reports and how?
  20. Explain Call Transaction?
  21. What is LUW?
  22. What is an Internal Table?
  23. What is initialization?
  24. How do you execute a layout set in a program ?
  25. Distinguish between setscreen and call screen?

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