August 1, 2007

J2EE Interview Questions -4

  1. What is the difference between tomact and weblogic
  2. What is the webserver used for running the Servlets?
  3. What is a tagged interface?
  4. Why we cannot define constructor of super class in a sub class ?
  5. When you use a struts framework, where would you place your business logic
  6. How will you initialize an Applet?
  7. Can we implement an interface in JSP Page? If yes How? Write the code?
  8. Write a program that singleton objects returns two instances?
  9. Whether private, protected method can be overloaded, override d or not? Tell me
  10. How can we store elements in array list? As by using index or by node?
  11. How will you pass values from HTML page to the Servlet?
  12. Why we can not override static method?
  13. Why we can't put semicolon at the end of a class in java??
  14. How can i call parameterized constructor if am instantiating a object using "Class.forName( "Abc").newInstan ce()"?
  15. Difference between wait and notify in java?
  16. What is the use of volatile specifier
  17. What do you mean by virtual methods?
  18. Mention 5 basic differences between Array List and Vector in Java Colletion FrameWork.
  19. What is the Vector class
  20. Diff between ArrayList and Vector?

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