July 23, 2007

ORACLE Interview Question- 2

  1. If you have two redo log groups with four members each, how many disks does Oracle recommend to keep the redo log files?
  2. Which command should be issued before you can execute the CREATE DATABASE command?
  3. How many control files are required to create a database?
  4. How many data files can be specified in the DATAFILE clause when creating a database?
  5. How many ARCn processes can be associated with an instance?
  6. User SCOTT has opened a SQL * Plus session and left for lunch. When you queired the V$SESSION view, the STATUS was INACTVE. You terminated SCOTT’s session in V$SESSION?
  7. The database block size is 4KB. You created a tablespace using the following command. CREATE TABLESPACE USER_DATA DATAFILE ‘C:/DATA01.DBF’ ; If you create an object in the database without specifying any storage parameters, what will be the size of the third extent that belongs to the object?
  8. When does the SMON process automatically coalesce the tablespaces?
  9. Which SHUTDOWN option will wait for the users to complete their uncommitted transactions?
  10. Name the stages of processing a DML statement. What stages are part of processing a query?
  11. What is the difference between object library and pl/sql library?
  12. What are the valid status codes in the V$LOGFILE view?
  13. Which data dictionary view provides the names of the control files?
  14. How would you drop a tablespace if the tablespace were not empty?
  15. Explain truncate with restore option with example
  16. What happens next when a server process is not able to find enough free buffers to copy the blocks from disk?
  17. How do you make a database read-only?
  18. Which command is used to enable the auto-extensible feature for a file, if the file is already part of a tablespace?
  19. How many panes are there in the Enterprise Manager console?
  20. Which data dictionary view shows that the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode?
  21. Who owns the data dictionary?
  22. I have a server with 2GB RAM.Who is the optimal size for the shared pool size The shared pool reserved size is 1/10 to shared pool size Is there a mathematic type for compute the shared pool size ?
  23. What happens if you issue the following command? ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE (‘/logs/file1’ REUSE, ‘/logs/file2’ REUSE)
  24. Using SQL*Plus, list two options which show the value of the parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE
  25. Which two values from the V$SESSION view are used to terminate a user session?
  26. What is the minimum number of extents a rollback segment can have?

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