January 28, 2008

JSP Interview Question - 5

  1. What is the diff. b/n declaring members in and declaring in JSPinit() method ?
  2. What is Declaration?
  3. What is the need of tag libraries?
  4. How do you call stored procedures from JSP?
  5. Can I call an interface in a JSP?
  6. How we abort JSP page from a servlet ?
  7. How do we perform redirect action without using response.sendRedire ct(“ “);
  8. How do you prevent the Creation of a Session in a JSP Page and why?
  9. Where do we use hidden variables and url rewriting? and wat is the difference between them?
  10. Where can we find the compiled file of JSP in the directory structure?
  11. What is difference between scriptlet and expression
  12. How do I use a scriptlet to initialize a newly instantiated bean?
  13. Web browser concept using JSP
  14. How can we move from one JSP page to another(mean using what tecnique?)

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