January 28, 2008

JSP Interview question - 4

  1. What is the difference betweeen JSP forward and servlet forward methods?
  2. What is JSP ?
  3. What is the architecture of JSP?
  4. What is the difference between include directive and include action?
  5. When JSP is compiled into servlet, where the servlet is actually stored(storage location)?
  6. What is the difference between JSP LifeCycle and Servlet LifeCycle?
  7. My html form contains an INPUT “text” element that accepts Date, i want to catch that date and want to query it using JSP? In short, how can i use that HTML form element with Prepared Statements in JSP?
  8. suppose we have rows in the database i need to retrive rows per page, then which approach is better either struts based or non struts based it is an interview question
  9. What is use of implict Objects?why the container is given those one?
  10. Why we can’t implement interface in JSP? Why we can only extend classes in JSP?
  11. How do I mix JSP and SSI #include?
  12. I have a String name & Map m, in my bean class. I have get & set methods on both. To Display the String name, i do The above one works fine. Te below one, displays the entire Map contents I know the KEY, how do i display the VALUE for that KEY
  13. A] Is the response.sendRedire ct ends the existing session? B] If I logged in to a site ( say a.com) & then in same browser window I type the url for another site (say b.com), then does my session gets ended on first site ( a. com ) ?
  14. How to pass java script array to JSP page?
  15. Explain online banking system using java.that means i need architecture of online banking system.please sir i want full details
  16. How the JSP changes will be effected in servlet file after converting?
  17. What data is stored in the variable appname when we give the folowing statement String appname=(“manager” .equalsIgnoreCAs e(request. getContextPath( )))?”/manager” :”/portal” ;
  18. What is difference between getAttribute( ) and getParameter( )?
  19. What is the Difference between sendRedirect( ) and Forward?
  20. What is the difference between include directive & JSP:include action?
  21. What is the difference between declaring the variables in the scriptlet tags and in the declaration tags?

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