Question 476) If you are on a VT220 terminal and there is no stop key on the keyboard, which of the following is true
a A break signal cannot be sent to the machine from the terminal.
b A break signal can be sent by pressing CTRL, ALT and Del together.
c Check the VT220 terminal manual to find out he key to generate the break signal.
d Power down the VT220 terminal to send the break signal.
Ans: c
Question 478) Your current working directory is the /export/home_a/user/ directory. Which 2 commands strings put you into the /export/home_b/user 20 directory?
a cd ../../home_b/user 20
b cd /export/home_b/user 20
Ans a,b
a A break signal cannot be sent to the machine from the terminal.
b A break signal can be sent by pressing CTRL, ALT and Del together.
c Check the VT220 terminal manual to find out he key to generate the break signal.
d Power down the VT220 terminal to send the break signal.
Ans: c
Question 478) Your current working directory is the /export/home_a/user/ directory. Which 2 commands strings put you into the /export/home_b/user 20 directory?
a cd ../../home_b/user 20
b cd /export/home_b/user 20
Ans a,b
Question 479) What are the 3 default Solaris 8 shells?
a c,bourne,korn
b bash,korn,bourne
c sun,korn,bourne
Ans: a
Question 480) What affect does setting ignoreeof environment variable have ?
a Shell will ignore Control-D, so you cat not log out with it
b can not end letter using mail command since Control-D will be ignored
Ans: a
Question 481) How many shells are available in solaris 8 operating environment?
a 3
b 4
c 8
d 6
Ans: d
Question 482) In order to monitor system message on the console,uncomment CONSOLE=/dev/console in which file ?
a /etc/default/su
b /etc/default/login
c /etc/default/init
d /etc/default/passwd
Ans: a
Question 483) Which of the following command shows the processes associated with the local terminal?
a ps -e
b ps -ef
c ps -a
d ps
Ans: c
Question 484) How will u change all the occurences of "Solaris" into "Solaris Operating Enviroment" in a file?
a %s/Solaris/Solaris Opearating Environment/g
b %r/Solaris/Solaris Opearating Environment/g
c %c/Solaris/Solaris Opearating Environment/g
Ans: a
Question 485) Which directory does "cd .." change to ?
a parent directory
b child directory
c home directory
d root directory
Ans: a
Question 486) What are the ways to quit vi?
a wq
b w
c q
d ZZ
e quit
Ans: a,b,d
Question 487) What is the correct sequence of file type ?
a owner other group
b other group owner
c owner group other
d group other owner
Ans: c
Question 488) Siva has taken a position with a competing firm. How would you go about locking his account so that he can no longer gain access to the system? Choose all that apply.
a use the admintool to delete his account.
b i userdel ram12
c i passwd -l ram12
d using the admintool remove him from the accounting group
e None of the above
Ans: c
Question 489) In relative path, which is the default in the directory hierarchy ?
a look down the directory
b look up the directory
Ans: a
Question 490) From the command line, how would you delete users directory and login at the same time?
a userdel -d siva
b userdel -r siva
c userdel -l siva
d userdel -o siva
Ans: b
Question 491) How to display disk usage in terms of kilobyte ?
a df -k
b du -k
c df
d du
Ans: a
Question 492) If you have drwxrwsrwx, how to disable de setgid bit?
a chmod 0777
b chmod g-s
c chmod 2755
d chmod 2777
Ans: b
Question 493) The right way to use these two commands chown, chgrp
a chown new_owner filename
b chown filename new_owner
c chgrp new_group filename
d chgrp filename new_group
Ans: a,c
Question 494) What is the command displaying a trailer character in order to recognize what is the file type?
a ls -A
b ls -F
c ls -d
d ls -l
Ans: d
Question 495) What does r-x mean ?
a writable, executable
b readable, searchable
c readable, executable
d read only
Ans: b,c
Question 496) You suspect that someone has been trying to login to the network. What would you have to do set up the system to record failed login attempts?
a Nothing, account logging is on by default in ver 8\par
b Uncomment the line initializing logging in the startup script
c Enable the logging daemon
d Create a file called loginlog in /var/adm/
e None of the above
Ans: d
Question 497Which of the following is the first phase in the Solaris boot process?
a init
b Boot PROM or BIOS
c Boot programs
d Kernel initialization
Ans: b
Question 498) What is illegal character in host name ?
a letter
b number
c slash (/)
d underscore (_)
Ans: c
Question 499) Where does the command who look for information about users currently on the system?
a /var/adm/who
b /var/adm/utmpx
c /var/sadm/ucmp
c /var/sadm/all
Ans: b
Question 500) What does t mean in -rwx-----t ?
a readable
b searchable
c setgid
d sticky bit
Ans: d
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